A Little About The Blog

A lot of people blog about healthy eating, exercise, professional development, financial management and anything else regular people are supposed to do. The difference between those bloggers and myself is that I'm not overly optimistic about my ability to do any of them successfully. Watch me attempt and fail at life in general. Follow me on twitter, and I'll live blog my progress at #livelikeaperson.

Thursday, 4 October 2012


The greatest obstacle to living like a person is a lack of motivation. Most diets (fiscal or regular-type) start off really well, but quickly decline as you realize the instant gratification of buying something or eating something far outweighs the satisfaction of knowing there will be some long term benefits from abstaining from the undesired behaviour. A great way to keep motivated is to leave little motivational notes for yourself. Remind yourself you're doing a great job for a good reason. I got a little creative with mine, and pretended some friendly household objects were cheering me on.